Monday, December 5, 2022

Blog Post #7: Laptops through the Diffusion Theory

A revolutionary innovation was the LAPTOP. Laptop computers are small portable computers with a screen and keyboard. They were designed to be more portable than a traditional desktop computer with most of the same abilities. Laptops were created for convenience because they can be easily transported and conveniently used from wherever.

According to MLN, the first portable computer was invented in February 1984 by Adam Osborn with the first one being called The Osborn 1. Osborn believed that computers would be more beneficial if they were portable. He was an author and having a computer that he could take with him would bring much convenience to this writing.

So many people became early adaptors to the laptop because of the convenience. People like convenience in their life and having a laptop makes them able to do so. Having a laptop offers the freedom and flexibility to do work from anywhere at any time. With the invention of laptops, the world has become more innovative, and life has become easier.

Nowadays, almost everyone has a laptop because they are essential to our society. Laptops are used in a variety of settings including work, school, and personal life. Laptops have become popular among the new generation because of easy internet access, portability, and size. Because of this, the number of laptops purchased has increased immensely over the past few years.

Late adaptors or people that are not adaptors at all would be the older generation of people like grandparents. This is because a lot of the older generation is retired and does not have a particular need for a laptop. This particular generation has not grown up with laptops so they don’t know  its convenience. It is not easy to learn the function of new technology so they must be used to living without one and not interested in learning. Most people that work or go to school need laptops because the world revolves around them.

There are downsides to laptops which include a high price, potential loss of privacy, need to be connected to power, distraction, and more. These days most laptops are expensive because they are convenient. Laptops can take away privacy because they store information and personal data. Your laptop must be charged or connected to power to function so if you lose that then you could possibly not be able to work. Lastly, laptops can distract people from getting their work done because of their innovative technology. You can do almost everything on a laptop so it could distract a person from getting done what they need to.
Although, are some negative aspects to owning a laptop but the positives outweigh them. Our world runs on laptops and it helps a person's convenience if they own one, especially if they have a job or are in school.

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